About NAJ Group

We are a tourism marketing company specializing in inbound tours and tour planning within and into the United States.
Producers of specialized industry conferences and boutique trade shows, NAJ Group also publishes TourOpertorLand and produces TourOperatorLand.com, a one-stop online platform providing trade content for over 90 destinations so that travel planners can obtain everything they need from one site. NAJ Group also publishes The Inbound Report, a weekly newsletter covering news, trends and research that tracks inbound tourism markets. NAJ Group has over 400 destination, attraction and hotel clients.
Why TravelAbilitySummit?
Innovators in B2B tourism marketing, NAJ Group recognizes that disabled travelers represent an underserved but growing segment of the population. As specialists in developing “boutique” conferences and tradeshows—and recognizing that no other industry event addresses travel for people with disabilities—we felt an urgency to bring our expertise to foster and facilitate making destinations accessible to everyone.
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