I live in central Florida, and in the beginning of August, it gets REALLY hot and sticky. I have multiple sclerosis, which means I’m very sensitive to heat and can’t be outside for more than a few minutes. I love to travel with my two boys, but finding a summer destination that I can enjoy is often difficult. Enter Minneapolis. It doesn’t sound like a huge tourist destination, but for me it was perfect: a direct flight from Orlando, August temperatures in the low 80s, and reports of good wheelchair accessibility. After two full days in one of Minnesota’s twin cities, I can tell you that Minneapolis exceeded all my expectations! Here are ten thoroughly accessible things to do in the city that my boys and I truly enjoyed.
10 Wheelchair Accessible (and Family Friendly) Things to Do in Minneapolis
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Source: https://spintheglobe.net/dir/2019/08/15/wheelchair-accessible-minneapolis/

You are reading a snippet of this article, curated from its original source. Click the button below to read the full article.
Source: https://spintheglobe.net/dir/2019/08/15/wheelchair-accessible-minneapolis/