Bern has been on our travel wish list for quite some time for a fairly oddball reason: its flag. It’s got a bear on it that’s simultaneously menacing and adorable. And we love bears and we love flags, and there have got to be sillier reasons to visit a place (right?). Of course, once we started actually reading about the city, we had a strong inkling it was the type of place we would love. We also read that accessibility in Bern is good, so last year we made it a priority to go. We worked out a good time to visit Bern during a 12-day trip through a few places in Switzerland and Germany. We spent a short but busy two days in the city and worked with the Bern tourism board to learn as much as we could about its accessibility. Based on all that we created this accessible travel guide which includes things to do in Bern, accessibility of the Bern Old Town, as well as information about public transport in Bern and Switzerland for wheelchair users. We’ve also thrown in some ways to save money during your stay because it is Switzerland after all.
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