I think Istanbul is a must-see world destination. The layers of religions, empires, architecture and beautiful water views along with a fully modern society are so rich. From the US perspective, it is an ideal combination of novel, enlightening and familiar. If the...
Disabled access in Istanbul is the result of the long history of the city, the topography, and the current building codes. People have been living in this location for over 2500 years, and many streets and buildings date back several centuries long before there were...
This page explains all about access for people with disability access Madrid. The city is not totally geared up for disabled access, but things are improving fast. This page will answer any questions you may have about where you can and cannot access if you have...
Trust is one of the most precious values, one of the most difficult to grant and, undoubtedly, one of the most difficult to earn. Year after year, families from all over the world choose Spain as their vacation destination and, fortunately, every year, more and more...
Spain’s capital of Madrid offers the best of both worlds. Not only is it located in the center of the country, making it a great base for day trips, but the city itself offers days worth of activities for tourism.
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