Three years ago, a life changing accident forced my active family to look for new ways to explore our beloved Black Hills. My husband was involved in a truck accident that resulted in a mobility impairment. When something like this happens, you really must re-evaluate life because ultimately you have some choices to make. Either you can let it affect your active lifestyle or you can move on and seek out new adventures! Fortunately, our family chose to move on and seek new adventures. Many of these new adventures are right here in the Black Hills. As a destination, we have found that the Black Hills region is quite accessible for those that have a physical disability. Carefully planning your vacation is something that all visitors should do before any trip, but when you are mobility impaired, you should be sure to research the destination and activities you are interested in doing. To help guide you through the Black Hills region, we’ve put together a four-day itinerary with a wide range of accessible activities to enjoy:
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