Winnipeg is a wonderful city. From our architecture to city parks and green spaces, and from the unique restaurants and pubs to stimulating museums that make up much of our city, Winnipeg is nothing shy of an exciting city. But with the summer heat having settled in, the ‘peg can feel like a giant pizza oven well into the summer. This can be quite an annoyance (or health hazard, depending on the person and the heat levels) if you’re trying to plan action-packed days. Not that you’d have any trouble filling up these days, but the city can become overwhelming with the heat, constant movement, and loading in and unloading out of your wheelchair van. While Winnipeg is great, it’s always nice to get out of the city and into the lush, green surroundings Manitoba has to offer. Camping sounds nice, you say? Lucky for you, many of Manitoba’s campgrounds offer excellent wheelchair-accessible camping sites, pavilions, nature centres, and other activities and landmarks within their parks. And, while you’ll want to make sure your wheelchair van from Move Mobility is ready to pound some pavement, these wheelchair-friendly campgrounds are spread out enough to fit any timeframe you, your partner, friends, and family decide. Ready for some movement motivation? Read on to get your planning gears greased.
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