August 15, 2022

Accessible Wine Country: An Interview with Jake Steinman
Sonoma Spiel, Episode 10
Breaking away from talking specifically about Sonoma Valley, we are joined by Jake Steinman of TravelAbility, the organization that explores the nexus of travel and disability, and provides resources for companies and destinations to make sure they provide good information and are strategic in how they make their experiences more inclusive. Big takeaway – eventually many people will “age into a disability.” Our findings were eye-opening.
November 2021

Explorable: TravelAbility Summit 2021 Recap
The founder of Travelability, Jake Steinman, shares his point of view on the 2021 Tampa, Florida Travelability Summit. The conference brought together thought leaders and change makers from Visit Florida, Google, Walt Disney World among other major destinations and attractions. We’ll take a deep dive into Jake’s top takeaways from the conference and what he believes is the future growth and direction of accessible tourism. The TravelAbility Summit is the tourism industry’s premier event for disability insights and resources for tips, training and information connecting disability and destinations.
June 2021

Addressing Accessibility In Your Destination
Destination Marketing Podcast
This week on the Destination Marketing Podcast, we are joined by Jake Steinman, founder and CEO of travelAbility. Listen to learn about his foundation and how your destination can take steps towards becoming more accessible to those with disabilities.
August 2020

Explorable: Jake Steinman, TravelAbility Summit Founder
Episode 2
Today we’re hearing from the founder of TravelAbility Summit, Jake Steinman. The TravelAbility Summit is the tourism industry’s premier event for disability insights and resources for tips, training and information connecting disability and destinations. Find out how Jake unexpectedly connected with disability travelers, why he launched the summit and how it’s changing for 2020.
October 2020

DMOU: Destination Marketing Organization University
Jake Steinman: Travel Ability
Jake Steinman joins DMOU to share the evolution story of the TravelAbility movement. From creating a Summit that brought the disability community together to help advise the tourism and hospitality industry to next steps during the pandemic, Jake shares his exploratory journey into the realization of our collective lack of empathy for travelers with disabilities. And yeah, there’s a Bonus Round question you’re not gonna want to miss.